

18:36 Ticket #2830 (No Error Message When Download Directory Lacks Write Permissoin) updated by Calum
Component changed


20:02 Ticket #958 (Search by name in torrent list) updated by zamabe
Cc changed
18:19 Changeset [fcb659] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[AutoAdd] Fix watch dir not accepting uppercase file extension - …
16:41 Changeset [50d504]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[AutoAdd] Fix watch dir not accepting uppercase file extension - …
16:19 Ticket #2149 (deluge ignoring proxy settings) updated by WeissmanScore
Woah. That's not good... So this is confirmed and there is no way to …
10:53 Scheduler-0.3-py2.7.egg attached to Ticket #2829 by Calum
Fixed plugin version from 1.3-stable
10:41 Changeset [aa10e0] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Scheduler] Bump to version 0.3
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.