

14:23 Ticket #2293 (Unable to right-click in sidebar in classic mode running webui plugin) closed by Calum
Fixed: Fixed in develop: [42e5876ebe3f237a]
14:22 Ticket #2293 (Unable to right-click in sidebar in classic mode running webui plugin) reopened by Calum
I finally encountered this issue again and worked out that it was …
12:44 Changeset [876e70]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Remove margins from main window elements
12:27 Changeset [590f07]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Tidyup Add dialog margins
11:37 Changeset [2aa1ab]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Revert broken refactor of theme css By combining the …
11:37 Changeset [2e0859]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Disable disabling WebUi plugin in WebUI
11:37 Changeset [b45073]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Remove border in Prefs for cleaner look
11:37 Changeset [e330ff]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Tidyup prefs plugins details
11:37 Changeset [6c233d]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Case-insensitive sort for plugins list
11:37 Changeset [fa309d]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Refactor json_api._get_host


21:00 Ticket #1326 (GTK interface wider than screen with large font size or high DPI) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
Appropriate snippet from this discussion: …
20:30 Changeset [9f187ed]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Add missing deregister event handlers
20:20 Changeset [42e587]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
#2293 [WebUI] Fix plugins not loading when using WebUI plugin - …
20:18 Changeset [46b726]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[WebUI] Fix prefs plugins page not listing enabled plugins correctly …
19:32 Ticket #958 (Search by name in torrent list) updated by noodles
Cc changed
18:01 Ticket #2490 (Add UI code to display external IP) closed by Calum
Fixed: Fixed [0278e782e0f044d818]
16:40 Ticket #2834 (PYTHON_EGG_CACHE not set on FreeBSD) updated by kendokan
Eh, ok I realize my solution is a bad idea, disregard. Would still be …
16:34 Ticket #2834 (PYTHON_EGG_CACHE not set on FreeBSD) updated by kendokan
I found this reference from a few years ago at …
16:05 Ticket #2834 (PYTHON_EGG_CACHE not set on FreeBSD) updated by Calum
That script in particular were user contributed and are obsolete, …
16:04 Ticket #2835 (Downloading Target With Same Name Corrupts Target) created by genesoo77072
Two or more different files using same target file name results in …
15:44 Ticket #2834 (PYTHON_EGG_CACHE not set on FreeBSD) updated by kendokan
Since it is a required dependency, shouldn't the init script at least …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.