

17:47 Ticket #2846 (Status Bar External Address IPv6 Support) updated by Calum
Status, Owner, Version, Component, Milestone changed
17:33 Ticket #2847 (Add a 'move to' option to add command) updated by Calum
Component, Summary, Type, Milestone changed
13:05 Ticket #2847 (Add a 'move to' option to add command) updated by indus
You're right I assumed the -p option would be the first and final …
10:57 Ticket #2847 (Add a 'move to' option to add command) updated by Calum
It's not that it's ignored, it's that add option -p is the save …
03:58 Ticket #1453 (If binding to specified network adress fails, daemon defaults back to ...) updated by Stewart Adam
I've observed this behavior on my roommate's machine. I believe it has …
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