

23:07 Ticket #2853 (Adding torrents with existing data may error with timestamp difference) created by Calum
Need to check a potential issue that adding torrents with existing …
22:28 Ticket #2784 ([Execute] Escape call parameters for Windows) closed by Calum
Fixed: Fixed the use-case for ampersand as other chars unlikely to be in …
22:25 Changeset [5f9281] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
#2784 [Execute] Escape ampersand in args for Windows Due to the …
22:24 Changeset [abf90f]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
#2784 [Execute] Escape ampersand in args for Windows Due to the …
21:23 Ticket #2852 (Set lt version upper limit to 1.0) updated by Bro
I've tried to look at libtorrent 1.1, but I it segfaults when loading …
21:02 Ticket #2852 (Set lt version upper limit to 1.0) updated by Calum
I hadn't got around to adding lt 1.1 support ticket to 2.0 roadmap but …
20:56 Ticket #2852 (Set lt version upper limit to 1.0) updated by andar
Maybe we should consider doing a 1.4.0 release soonish? Do we have a …
20:47 Ticket #2852 (Set lt version upper limit to 1.0) updated by Calum
For libtorrent 1.1 there are many methods removed for settings etc. …
20:44 Ticket #2852 (Set lt version upper limit to 1.0) created by Calum
13:51 Ticket #2776 (Un-clickable buttons on Windows GTKUI) updated by Calum
This will be a GTK issue on Windows so unfortunately not.
13:07 Ticket #2776 (Un-clickable buttons on Windows GTKUI) updated by someguy
The problem still persists, anything I could try to solve it? I also …
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