

01:51 Ticket #2856 (error message at startup: 'dict' object has no attribute 'outgoing_ports') updated by archimede
Understood. I downgraded libtorrent and the error disappeared. Thanks.


21:04 Ticket #856 (Torrents sharing same folder name issue) updated by Michael Aichlmayr
This problem still exists in Deluge 1.3.12, as it has just happened to …
14:41 Ticket #2857 ([Notification] Unable to set email port in GTKUI) created by Calum
14:40 Ticket #2856 (error message at startup: 'dict' object has no attribute 'outgoing_ports') closed by Calum
WontFix: 1.3 does not support libtorrent 1.1: #2852
14:27 Ticket #2855 (Unable to add udp trackers in WebUI) updated by Calum
Summary, Milestone changed
06:09 core.conf attached to Ticket #2856 by archimede
Core confiiguration
06:07 deluge.txt attached to Ticket #2856 by archimede
Error log
06:07 Ticket #2856 (error message at startup: 'dict' object has no attribute 'outgoing_ports') created by archimede
At startup deluge generate the attached error message. After that the …
01:57 Ticket #2855 (Unable to add udp trackers in WebUI) created by archimede
Add trackers does not work from webui. Deluge: 1.3.12-1 Python: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.