

13:46 Ticket #2865 (WebUI CPU usage goes to 100% on one core of the processor after a few ...) updated by wingnut
Here are the other logs if you need them. It is a different issue …
13:35 deluge-web.log.2.gz attached to Ticket #2865 by wingnut
13:35 deluged.log.2.gz attached to Ticket #2865 by wingnut
11:09 Ticket #2865 (WebUI CPU usage goes to 100% on one core of the processor after a few ...) updated by Calum
The same issue or something different? That log does show …
10:33 Ticket #1590 (Allow tracker updating from console) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
This is a feature of the new deluge-console in develop code.
10:33 Ticket #2874 (console-ui update trackers) closed by Calum
02:29 Ticket #2865 (WebUI CPU usage goes to 100% on one core of the processor after a few ...) updated by wingnut
I'm still having trouble after reverting that commit. I apologize for …
02:24 deluge-web.out.log.7z attached to Ticket #2865 by wingnut
journalctl -b -u deluge-web


20:22 Ticket #2874 (console-ui update trackers) created by ElevatorChamp
Link to another ticket (5 years ago) regarding the same thing: …
19:24 Ticket #1590 (Allow tracker updating from console) updated by ElevatorChamp
Did this feature go away? Deluge-console does not have it anymore.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.