

22:56 Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 3.52.48 PM.png attached to Ticket #2886 by kitsch
22:55 Ticket #2886 (No Sound/Blink Notification) created by kitsch
I've searched the forum and it seems that pygame is needed to have …


19:10 Ticket #2883 (deluge gets stuck when starting) updated by Mattias Fliesberg
I did some more analyzing and noticed that it stopped at the debug log …
11:11 Ticket #2884 (VPN killswitch issues (Windows)) closed by Calum
11:06 Ticket #2885 (Unable to scrape tracker) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
I assume you are using libtorrent 1.1 so please report to libtorrent …
11:05 Ticket #2876 (Deluge Crashes randomly) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
Please report to libtorrent, it is not a bug in Deluge: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.