

18:48 Ticket #2889 ("Too many files open" error and losing all torrents) updated by qk4lka
I also lost all torrents. =(
18:47 Ticket #2898 (deluged-1.3.13/libtorrent-1.1.0 messes up torrent directory names) created by Etienne Dechamps
I've been using Deluge 1.3.12 with libtorrent 1.0.7 on Debian Sid for …
18:25 Ticket #2895 (Daemon deadlocks on start-up/shutdown when using SSL trackers) updated by Etienne Dechamps
Cc changed
18:24 Ticket #2895 (Daemon deadlocks on start-up/shutdown when using SSL trackers) updated by Etienne Dechamps
I hit the same issue - couldn't start one of my instances which had …
01:06 Ticket #2897 (Start deluge-console with connection to remote daemon) created by rosscosack
From the command line I issue […] This returns me to the command …
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