

20:23 Ticket #2889 ("Too many files open" error and losing all torrents) updated by MaycneSonahoz
This is interesting. I first ran deluge in thin client mode as you …
20:19 lsof-20161012.tar.gz attached to Ticket #2889 by MaycneSonahoz
lsof output (2016-10-12)
15:24 Ticket #2875 (WebUI Json dumps Error) updated by Bro
The error is not due to issues with encoding of the filenames, but …
11:59 Ticket #2889 ("Too many files open" error and losing all torrents) updated by Calum
I have applied a fix to the PR for webui code. Can you try running …


20:50 Ticket #2889 ("Too many files open" error and losing all torrents) updated by MaycneSonahoz
@Cas Sadly it didn't improve much: the number of open files still …
14:57 Ticket #2900 (Error loading torrent: invalid bencoded value) updated by Bro
Description changed
14:56 UTF8_chars_javjunkies.torrent attached to Ticket #2900 by Bro
14:56 Ticket #2900 (Error loading torrent: invalid bencoded value) created by Bro
Loading some torrents gives the error "invalid bencoded value (data …
14:08 Ticket #2875 (WebUI Json dumps Error) updated by Bro
I can't reproduce this. Does it give this error with the torrent you …
11:12 Ticket #2875 (WebUI Json dumps Error) updated by Calum
Version, Component, Milestone changed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.