

19:54 Ticket #2904 (Memory leaks) updated by Calum
That is exactly what is explained in ticket #1454 so there is nothing …
17:58 Ticket #2904 (Memory leaks) updated by Radoslav
I have run some tests: - When I run only the deluged.exe (i.e. the …
09:57 Changeset [5978b4]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Core] Listening ports fixes and updates * #2133 Add flags for port …


13:16 Ticket #2861 (libtorrent-rasterbar 1.1.x+ GeoIP support) updated by Calum
11:00 Ticket #2875 (WebUI Json dumps Error) closed by Calum
Fixed: Fixed in develop [37baf3de3c826] and 1.3-stable [5394ac5604]
10:58 Changeset [5394ac] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
#2875[Web] Fix: WebUI Json dumps Error * A torrent file contains …
08:54 Ticket #2875 (WebUI Json dumps Error) updated by Bro
yueyoum, is the content in the torrent copyrighted?
08:47 Changeset [37baf3]2.0.xdevelop by bendikro <bro.devel@gmail.com>
#2875[Web] Fix: WebUI Json dumps Error
08:47 Changeset [cfdddc]2.0.xdevelop by bendikro <bro.devel@gmail.com>
[Web][Tests] Refactor web tests
04:15 Ticket #2901 (rtrim info hash on add) updated by tristen
goodo, thanks!
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