

18:49 Ticket #2991 (Proxy settings not displayed correctly) updated by Calum
Hmm ok, might need to look at the code again then. It might be that I …
18:46 Ticket #2991 (Proxy settings not displayed correctly) updated by NewRush-inPirate
I dunno, the peer section is empty for me.
18:39 Ticket #2990 (Deluge 1.3.14 file priorities are bugged) updated by Calum
Status, Owner, Component, Milestone changed
18:39 Ticket #2991 (Proxy settings not displayed correctly) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
The peer section should contain your proxy settings no? This is by …
18:32 Ticket #2989 (deluged fails due to "undefined symbol: ...) closed by Calum
Invalid: This is not a Deluge bug, if you have an issue with building …
13:39 Ticket #2991 (Proxy settings not displayed correctly) created by NewRush-inPirate
All my proxy settings are displayed like they're set to "None", even …
10:06 Ticket #2990 (Deluge 1.3.14 file priorities are bugged) updated by daerragh
Version, Component changed
10:03 Ticket #2990 (Deluge 1.3.14 file priorities are bugged) updated by daerragh
PS. I use latest versions of ltconfig and stats.
10:01 Ticket #2990 (Deluge 1.3.14 file priorities are bugged) created by daerragh
I've updated to deluged 1.3.14 from source on my Ubuntu Server 16.10 …


17:32 Ticket #2989 (deluged fails due to "undefined symbol: ...) created by Karl Richter
After removing all deluge system packages, installing …
16:30 Ticket #2988 (Failures due to "ImportError: ...) updated by Calum
No-one should spend any time fixing them. They were already obsolete …
16:15 Ticket #2988 (Failures due to "ImportError: ...) updated by Karl Richter
> There is a systemd unit: …
16:11 Ticket #2988 (Failures due to "ImportError: ...) closed by Calum
Invalid: There is a systemd unit: …
15:11 Ticket #2988 (Failures due to "ImportError: ...) created by Karl Richter
Failures due to ImportErrors in the form of `ImportError: …
11:17 Ticket #2987 (deluge-console help config <setting>) created by block
it would be nice if the deluge-console help command also works for …
11:06 Ticket #2986 (detect already downloaded) created by block
the deluge-deamon checks for already downloaded torrents only (!) in …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.