

22:09 Ticket #3017 (Error adding Host) updated by andar
It sounds like a corrupt config file then. Do you happen to have a …
20:43 Ticket #3017 (Error adding Host) updated by keschrich
Solved by clearing config directory.
20:16 Ticket #3017 (Error adding Host) updated by keschrich
When I run deluge-gtk from a terminal, the following output appears: …
20:14 Screenshot from 2017-04-04 16-03-12.png attached to Ticket #3017 by keschrich
Screen shot of Add Host Error
20:13 Ticket #3017 (Error adding Host) created by keschrich
I have a headless deluge server (1.3.14), and am trying to connect to …


16:01 Deluge.PNG attached to Ticket #3016 by R0b0t1
Screenshot of problem.
16:01 Ticket #3016 (Attempting to open a deleted torrent file from Firefox causes GUI ...) created by R0b0t1
I used Deluge's GUI to delete a torrent and its backing storage. Some …
11:57 Ticket #3015 (infinite ETA is less then smallest) created by Karl Richter
but should be larger than the largest when sorting columns in the …
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