

13:16 Ticket #3024 (Reuse already transferred segments from other torrents) created by Karl Richter
In a scenario where torrents with a lot of similar files are added to …
11:19 Ticket #3023 (Deluge Multi-Localuser) created by darkvirus
Hi, im not trying to configure multiple deluge daemons on the one …


18:07 Ticket #3018 (error returned to web api wen adding a torrent with a label that has ...) updated by shauder
I am also seeing this issue. Mine was resolved by removing labels. …
10:31 Ticket #2149 (deluge ignoring proxy settings) closed by Calum
Fixed: Did you read my last comment? There is only one proxy now. So peer …
09:49 Ticket #2149 (deluge ignoring proxy settings) updated by arliweng
tested 1.3.14 with libtorrent-rasterbar 1.1.1 and 1.1.3(from github) …
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