

16:00 Ticket #3033 (Priority should appear on directories if descendants have the same one) created by Udasomu Shakerabu
I regularly download torrents with subdirectories, and set various …
15:33 Ticket #2752 (Column configuration is not saved properly in the thin client) closed by Calum
Fixed: This may well be fixed in this commit [a86b6f0f8f] that is closely related.
15:32 Ticket #3032 (Ctrl+a should not select root directory in file tab) created by Udasomu Shakerabu
If using Ctrl+a in the file tab, it selects both the files and the …
15:29 Changeset [3668e7]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[GTKUI] Fix column sort state not saved in Thinclient mode * In …
15:24 Ticket #3029 (Selecting certain files for download has major bugs) closed by Calum
15:24 Ticket #3031 (Resetting or hiding file priority of finished downloads) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
Seems reasonable, I'll put this as a feature request for 2.0
15:17 Ticket #3031 (Resetting or hiding file priority of finished downloads) created by Udasomu Shakerabu
Its mostly OCD, but I often set various priorities when I download …
14:59 Ticket #3028 (Moving torrent corrupts torrent pieces) updated by Chad
Ubuntu 16.04 (and every version for several years). …
14:48 Ticket #3029 (Selecting certain files for download has major bugs) updated by Udasomu Shakerabu
Duplicate of bug #2990?
14:46 Ticket #3014 (Bug 2990 still not completely fixed) updated by Udasomu Shakerabu
As far as I'm concerned, I had the priority bug with 1.3.14, I applied …
11:40 Changeset [a86b6f] by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[GTKUI] Fix column sort state not saved in Thinclient mode * In …
09:28 Ticket #3028 (Moving torrent corrupts torrent pieces) updated by Calum
Summary changed
The Force Recheck button is staying. The problem with corrupt pieces …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.