

19:10 broken.png attached to Ticket #3035 by HollowMan
An example of file structure
19:05 Ticket #3035 (Extractor issues with .rar archives of the same name that have a Subs ...) created by HollowMan
There's a really weird behavior where torrents that have the a Subs …


09:13 Ticket #3034 (Typo in translatable strings) closed by Calum
Fixed: Thanks fixed: [0353b82c0] > not visible here in Trac since double …
09:11 Changeset [0353b82]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[GTKUI] Fix typos in text strings
09:08 Ticket #3034 (Typo in translatable strings) updated by Calum
Description changed
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