

22:01 Ticket #3010 (Hundreds of MB of exception logs) updated by Michael D Greene
@Cas It is highly unclear to me what set of criteria causes it, but it …
21:52 Ticket #3010 (Hundreds of MB of exception logs) updated by Calum
Component, Milestone changed
Hmm ok I shall have to put a exception handler in for that but since …
17:53 Ticket #3010 (Hundreds of MB of exception logs) updated by Michael D Greene
@Cas Sorry, it took a little while for it to happen again, but this is …
03:52 Ticket #2927 ([GTKUI] Speed Limit Display Doesnt Update) updated by Doadin
A workaround of sorts is to only change settings in preferences as …
03:49 deluge error.jpg attached to Ticket #2927 by Doadin
03:49 Ticket #2927 ([GTKUI] Speed Limit Display Doesnt Update) reopened by Doadin
00:23 Ticket #3085 (Unable to launch 2.0 beta 1 on MacOS) updated by sarsaeol
any updates on this? i am getting the same condition outlined above …
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