

19:43 Ticket #3117 (Parallel programmatic adding of torrents causes torrents to be skipped) created by Karl Richter
Adding approx. 50 torrents programmatically in a multithreaded Python …


23:25 Ticket #3116 (Adding parentheses to root folder name doesn't update title) updated by Hayden Schiff
Priority changed
Actually, I should clarify -- even removing and readding the torrent …
23:20 Ticket #3116 (Adding parentheses to root folder name doesn't update title) created by Hayden Schiff
Suppose you have a torrent whose label and root folder are named "Foo …
23:04 Ticket #3115 (Renaming a subfolder to contain another subfolder leads to GTK client ...) created by Hayden Schiff
Suppose you have a torrent whose file tree looks like this: […] …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.