

00:05 Ticket #3161 (1.x GUI hard crash) updated by andar
I guess this could happen if you're disconnected from the daemon or …


21:17 Ticket #3161 (1.x GUI hard crash) updated by cocokola
Cc changed
21:16 Finaldeluge18-3-1.log attached to Ticket #3161 by cocokola
delujge.log file at debug level. seems useless but here it is anyway.
21:15 Ticket #3161 (1.x GUI hard crash) created by cocokola
Deluge keeps Crashing after 5-10 minutes. Deluge 1.3.15 libtorrent …
09:21 Ticket #3160 (share torents) created by olipo13
Hello How to check that I share my torrents with other users to keep …
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