

22:14 Ticket #3201 (Create Windows package (Py3-GTK3)) updated by Calum
To get a nicer theme create a file: …
21:10 Ticket #3201 (Create Windows package (Py3-GTK3)) updated by Calum
So I have had some success testing out building with gvsbuild scripts …
10:50 Ticket #3211 (missing systray icon) closed by renato
10:49 Ticket #3214 (Deluge not loading) closed by renato
10:48 Ticket #3213 (Unable to partially download torrent) updated by renato
Replying to firefox: > when adding a torrent file …
10:46 Ticket #3214 (Deluge not loading) updated by renato
Replying to firefox: > (deluge:1280): Gtk-WARNING : …
10:46 Ticket #3211 (missing systray icon) updated by renato
Replying to firefox: > Icon in the systray or …


15:38 Ticket #3214 (Deluge not loading) updated by renato
Close this ticket. For some reason after a rebbot was working again sorry.
10:41 Changeset [ab7f19]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind@gmail.com>
[GTK] Fix no torrent selected on startup
10:40 Changeset [b665a4]2.0.xdevelop by Calum Lind <calumlind@gmail.com>
#3211|Packaging Fix missing tray icon Fixed not including …
10:36 Ticket #3214 (Deluge not loading) updated by Calum
Please provide more information as that warning should not stop deluge …
06:07 Ticket #3214 (Deluge not loading) created by renato
(deluge:1280): Gtk-WARNING : 07:06:47.500: Could not load a pixbuf …
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