

20:57 Ticket #3207 (Core: migrate from Twisted to Asyncio) updated by andar
I think that maybe running Twisted on top of asyncio might make sense …
18:33 Ticket #3207 (Core: migrate from Twisted to Asyncio) updated by JohnDoee
But, as I said, you can keep using Twisted as framework while using …
04:17 Ticket #3217 (deluge-console does not easily support alternative connections for ...) updated by nayfield
The attached patch (Against 1.3-stable) is a minimal implementation of …
04:07 deluge-conn.patch attached to Ticket #3217 by nayfield
Minimal patch to implement feature request
04:05 Ticket #3217 (deluge-console does not easily support alternative connections for ...) created by nayfield
when using deluge-console for non-default connections (different …


17:32 Ticket #3207 (Core: migrate from Twisted to Asyncio) updated by andar
I would argue that Deluge is in dire need of modernization and a …
16:48 Ticket #3207 (Core: migrate from Twisted to Asyncio) updated by JohnDoee
This strikes me as basically a needless rewrite of Deluge. First …
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