

10:20 Ticket #3284 (Opensuse No module named 'gi.pygtkcompat') closed by Calum
Upstream: Upstream issue: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/9669
09:40 Ticket #3284 (Opensuse No module named 'gi.pygtkcompat') updated by Calum
Description changed
09:38 Ticket #3284 (Opensuse No module named 'gi.pygtkcompat') created by Calum
From forum: …
01:54 Capture.JPG attached to Ticket #3270 by CallMeDizzy
This question makes absolutely no sense.
01:11 Ticket #3270 (Unable to register on the forum) updated by CallMeDizzy
I'm right there with you. I've searched confirmation of registration …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.