

23:04 Ticket #3334 (Corruption of settings) created by SoLaxR81TZJKTJs3
Interesting issue, you can corrupt the settings file by having symbols …


14:25 Ticket #1556 (Show torrent labels with console) updated by Kitof
Old ticket, but still relevant: I really need to access a label from …
11:52 Ticket #3329 (builtins.KeyError: 'label/label.js) updated by jools772
It happens each time I open the web page for the web ui, after ther …
11:33 Ticket #3333 (Settings format and location on mac: 1.3.x vs 2.0.x) created by Gregorio Litenstein
1) Are 1.3.x settings compatible with 2.x settings? I think it'd be …
11:31 Ticket #3330 (Ui crash) closed by Calum
Duplicate: Duplicate of #3309
11:31 Ticket #3309 (TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str') updated by Calum
Milestone changed
There is a related ticket #3330 which has a TypeError comparing …
11:28 Ticket #3332 (Menu shortcuts on mac.) created by Gregorio Litenstein
By making some small changes to the gtkosxapplication import code …
11:20 Ticket #3331 (Localization on mac) created by Gregorio Litenstein
What is the actual state of localization? I have been unable to get …
11:18 Ticket #3329 (builtins.KeyError: 'label/label.js) updated by Calum
Description changed
Please provide more information as to how you encountered this issue
11:15 Ticket #3330 (Ui crash) updated by Calum
Milestone changed
It seems the cmp function needs tweaked to handle non-integer None
11:09 Ticket #3328 (GLib.io_add_watch error) closed by Calum
11:01 Ticket #3328 (GLib.io_add_watch error) updated by Gregorio Litenstein
Close this please, it was indeed a packaging issue.
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