

16:59 Ticket #3279 (Peer client UnicodeDecodeError) updated by jools772
That's the micro sign, probably somebody is using utorrent. Isn't the …
16:55 Ticket #3368 (Viewing peers causes UnicodeDecodeErrors) updated by ga22be
And as always with these things this has been reported before but I …
16:45 Ticket #3368 (Viewing peers causes UnicodeDecodeErrors) updated by ga22be
Forgot to mention I'm running on Debian 10 and deluged, deluge-web, …
16:43 Ticket #3368 (Viewing peers causes UnicodeDecodeErrors) created by ga22be
When viewing peers in either GTK or web interface the daemon log spews …
13:39 Ticket #3367 (WebApi.add_torrents(): implement in-stream BitTorrent file uploading ...) updated by Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz
Nota bene: based on <https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/2320>.
13:37 Ticket #3367 (WebApi.add_torrents(): implement in-stream BitTorrent file uploading ...) created by Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz
Presently, WebApi.add_torrents() implicitly expects of …
13:32 deluge-2.0.3+add_torrents_fix.patch attached to Ticket #3366 by Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz
13:32 Ticket #3366 (WebApi.add_torrents(): deferred RPC failure results are not propagated) created by Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz
Failure results in response to deferred RPC requests issued by …
03:20 Ticket #3365 (no tracker/dht connected behind nat linked with >=libtorrent-1.2.4) updated by Xuefer
Summary changed
after 1.2.3, it's > 1.2.3, or let's say >=1.2.4
03:09 Ticket #3365 (no tracker/dht connected behind nat linked with >=libtorrent-1.2.4) created by Xuefer
[…] this change in libtorrent after 1.2.3 breaks deluge, making it …


13:17 Ticket #3364 (Wrong "Down Speed" data) created by dako98
In the "Status" panel of a torrent, the field "Down Speed:" shows the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.