

23:37 Ticket #3376 (Last torrent in torrent list hidden by left-right scrollbar) created by Cameron Tacklind
Steps to reproduce in deluge 2.0.3 on Windows: - List of torrents is …
23:32 Ticket #3375 (Keyboard is unresponsive while Deluge 2.0 is starting on Windows) created by Cameron Tacklind
This is kinda weird. I noticed that while Deluge is starting up (the …


06:56 Ticket #3372 (Deluge crashes (removing gtk3ui_state helps)) updated by renato
Same here, running on ubuntu 19.10, icons on the top bar disappear and …
01:59 Ticket #3374 (AutoAdd plugin wrongly creates .magnet.invalid using "Add in Paused State") updated by fshmngr
Version, Component, Summary changed
01:56 Ticket #3374 (AutoAdd plugin wrongly creates .magnet.invalid using "Add in Paused State") created by fshmngr
AutoAdd plugin creates a .invalid flag instead of a .added flag if …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.