

08:51 Ticket #3438 (hostname bug for fetching Tracker Icons) updated by Bader Bohamad
example hostanme in debug file Bug: hostname = b'hdbits.org' …
08:44 Ticket #3438 (hostname bug for fetching Tracker Icons) updated by Bader Bohamad
Deluged/deluge-web 2.0.4dev38 Libtorrent
08:39 Ticket #3438 (hostname bug for fetching Tracker Icons) updated by Bader Bohamad
Summary changed
08:35 tracker_icons.py attached to Ticket #3438 by Bader Bohamad
file related issue
08:32 trackers.PNG attached to Ticket #3438 by Bader Bohamad
webUI Trackers filter
08:30 tracker_icons_debug.log attached to Ticket #3438 by Bader Bohamad
debug related to tracker_icons.py
08:29 Ticket #3438 (hostname bug for fetching Tracker Icons) created by Bader Bohamad
I have found a bug in downloading trackers icon, i have attached …
03:18 Ticket #3337 (listen ports syntax error) updated by Daniel O'Connor
Cc changed
03:04 Ticket #3337 (listen ports syntax error) updated by Daniel O'Connor
This isn't a minor issue on FreeBSD - without this change deluge …
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