

21:53 Ticket #3444 (deluge flatpak!?) updated by Mohd AsifAli Rizvan
Cas, Thank you, now it works. The flathub guys wants the developer to …
16:01 Ticket #3444 (deluge flatpak!?) updated by Calum
Have you tried using libtorrent 1.2?
15:23 Ticket #3447 (Use another translation platform) updated by Calum
I am aware of the limitation of Launchpad so it's an interesting …
15:11 Ticket #3309 (TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str') closed by Calum


11:14 Ticket #3405 ("show_piecesbar" : triggers segmentation fault if not running "deluge ...) updated by ffe03e
I can confirm the behavior. Here's the TestCase: 1) …
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