

20:31 Ticket #3419 (UI Does Not Retain Positioning) updated by MotoFckr9k
Same issue here on Linux mint 19.3 with Cinnamon This is fairly new …
20:27 Ticket #3336 (Only n<7 torrents ever seed at the same time.) updated by MotoFckr9k
Are you talking about them actually seeding or them being in the …
20:24 Ticket #3458 ("move completed to" doesn't work) created by MotoFckr9k
When a torrent finishes, it doesn't get moved to the "completed" path …
20:14 Ticket #3457 ("Move Download Folder" does nothing) created by MotoFckr9k
The "Move Download Folder" dialogue does nothing. You can put a new …
10:40 Ticket #2982 (Seeding ratio doesn't take into account what it should) updated by megaksa
Bump that. Not sure if this has been fixed and then re-introduced or …
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