- 18:37 Changeset [f1ec68]develop by
- [CD] Cleanup pip cache in Win builds - Use the more reliable …
- 18:31 Changeset [ae3fbc]develop by
- [Packaging] Pinned Pyinstaller to v4.10 and readme update Pin …
- 12:32 Ticket #3335 (finished seeding torrents only removed when UI is activated) updated by
Priority, Version changed
- 19:05 Changeset [6a10e8f]develop by
- [Packaging] Bump Win dependencies * Update Twisted and libtorrent to …
- 17:54 Ticket #1395 (Same rank trackers should all be announced) updated by
Summary changed
There is a helpful implementation in … - 15:49 Ticket #3522 (Segmentation Fault on Deamon start (Armv71)) updated by
Component, Milestone changed
- 15:41 Ticket #3522 (Segmentation Fault on Deamon start (Armv71)) updated by
- This could be a libtorrent related issue but as you suggest, it is …
- 15:37 Ticket #3523 (Pyhon 3.9.2 error in log files) updated by
- Please test with latest 2.0.5 release that has better support for …
- 15:33 Ticket #3520 ([Solved] Country flags are missing when using libtorrent from RC_1_2 ...) closed by
- Fixed: Yes this was a bug in latest libtorrent 1.2 release and fixed …
- 15:14 Ticket #3521 (Content-type's charset should be accepted and probably ignored for ...) closed by
- Fixed: Merged fix: [b0dba97fec8dccdaa45f1112f84068cf7415a4ed]
- 15:08 Changeset [b0dba9]develop by
- [Web] Accept charset in content-type for json messages Trac: …
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