

08:04 Changeset [b64084]develop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
[Docs] Update changelog and install details
07:49 Ticket #3201 (Create Windows package (Py3-GTK3)) closed by Calum
Fixed: Finally released, thanks for all the help with this!
07:47 Ticket #3530 (Trackers are not added through magnets.) closed by Calum
Fixed: Thanks for investigating, it does look like while removing deprecated …
07:47 Ticket #2716 (Add magnet uri support for tr.x tracker) closed by Calum
Fixed: Originally include via [112a872bc16b8] Fixed tracker unquoting
07:45 Tickets #3499,​3201,​3259,​3339,​3378,​3459,​3505,​1015,​1453,​2115,​2320,​2454,​2706,​2716,​2812,​2842,​2911,​2916,​2917,​2918,​3025,​3069,​3210,​3235,​3258,​3347,​3461,​3465,​3473,​3483,​3493,​3500,​3508,​2669,​2910,​3088 batch updated by Calum
Milestone changed
Ticket retargeted after milestone closed
07:34 Changeset [e12053]develop by Calum Lind <calumlind+deluge@gmail.com>
Fix parsing magnet with tracker tiers Magnets with trackers specified …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.