Version 7 (modified by comedian, 14 years ago) (diff)


Intalling Deluge on MaxOSX

This works on Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with Deluge 1.3.0

These instructions assume a clean install of Snow (no XQuartz, Winebottler, or MacPorts / Fink installed before starting at step 1).

This methodology is somewhat time consuming, but is less error-prone for the uninitiated.

  1. Install X11 from your Leopard CD (it should already be installed as it installs by default on Leopard and Snow Leopard)
  2. Download Xcode tools 3.2.4 from Apple Developer Connection (free registration required for download).
  3. Download and install Mac Ports from (1.9.1 as of this writing).
  4. Open a terminal prompt (from Utilities) and escalate your privileges:
    sudo -s
  5. Issue the following port command to install all prereqs for Deluge in terminal:
    port -v install python26 +no_tkinter python_select py26-twisted py26-twisted-web2 openssl py26-openssl py26-simplejson py26-setuptools gettext py26-geoip py26-chardet py26-game py26-gtk py-gtk2 librsvg libnotify py26-xdg py26-mako wget
  6. Go watch a movie. It's gonna take awhile for the downloading and compiling above to finish.
  7. After installs above complete, select python26 as your default:
    python_select python26
  8. Create a temporary directory to build Deluge in (e.g. I use ~/Build):
    mkdir -p ~/Build
  9. cd to that directory (using ~/Build again):
    cd ~/Build
  10. Need a slightly older Boost to compile successfully. Get it:
    svn co -r 55868
  11. Build it:
    cd boost && port -v install +python26
  12. Get the source code for Deluge:
    cd .. && wget
  13. Untar it:
    tar -xvjf deluge-1.3.0.tar.bz2
  14. cd to that directory:
    cd deluge-1.3.0
  15. Get the source code for libtorrent:
  16. Link boost into it:
    cd libtorrent/include && ln -s /opt/local/include/boost .
    Note the "." at the end.
  17. Compile Deluge:
    cd ../.. && python ./ install
    Takes about 10-20 minutes.
  18. Test it:
    cd /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin && ./deluged -d -L debug
  19. If deluged runs fine (and it should if you did it right), ctrl+c to quit it, then make links to your new bins in /opt/local/bin:
    cd /opt/local/bin && for i in `ls /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/ deluge*`; do ln -s $i .; done
  20. Copy plugins into the correct place so that they will run:
    cp ~/Build/deluge-1.3.0/deluge/plugins/*.egg ~/.config/deluge/plugins
  21. exit your privileged terminal shell:
  22. Go to your $HOME directory, and rehome your rights in config to your normal account
    cd $HOME && sudo chown -R `whoami`:staff .config
  23. cd $HOME, and load deluged:
    cd $HOME && deluged &
  24. Start deluge:
    deluge &