A collection of ideas or improvements for Deluge 2.0 release process:

  • Add the following to setup.py:
    • Should attempt to minify js scripts and inform user if unsuccessful.
    • Update version (and date?) in man files. Eventual view would be to autocreate man files from help options.
  • Changes to make_release script:
    • Use sdist to create tarball. This replaces use of git archive as sdist should produce a pristine tar so no need to attempt to modify contents as in current make_release.
    • sdist should be able to produce xz tarball with additional python 2.7 module: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/backports.lzma
    • Decide whether need to remove the unwanted extra files such as egg-info.
    • Switch to using just sha256sum for file hash verification and create a shasums.txt file.
    • Simplify number of tarballs provided, so either drop gzip or bzip2 (or both).
    • Rename lzma tarball to xz.
    • Add make_release script to git packaging directory.
  • On the ftp, use a single release version folder for all the tarballs, bundled packages and shasum files.
Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 12/04/2016 06:19:51 PM