= Serving Deluge WebUI through a reverse proxy = If you have a webserver running and want the `Deluge WebUI` to be served through this server, you can set up your web server to work as a reverse proxy. In this example we have an Apache server serving on http://mydomain.net, and want it to serve the `WebUI` on http://mydomain.net/deluge We are running the Deluge `WebUI` on an internal host with IP which by default serves on port 8112 {{{ deluge-web -d -i }}} Add this to the apache config: {{{ ProxyPass /deluge ProxyPassReverse / ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /deluge RequestHeader set X-Deluge-Base "/deluge/" Order allow,deny Allow from all }}} If you cannot configure your server with the !RequestHeader, you can either set the base value in the `web.conf` file or run `deluge-web` with the `--base` argument to achieve the same effect: {{{ deluge-web -d -i --base /deluge/ }}}