Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 122)

1 2 3 4 5

Status: new (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1511 Swarm Health Based Queue Management feature-request minor Core
#1534 [Label] Option for 'move completed' folder to be named using the date feature-request trivial Plugin
#1540 Check duplicate torrents feature-request minor GTK UI other (please specify)
#1553 Drop idle peers after N seconds feature-request minor Core other (please specify)
#1700 Seperate plugins into their own repositories feature-request minor Plugin other (please specify)
#1849 [label] changes are greedy steals all torrents, auto-labeling picks wrong label bug major Plugin 1.3.1
#1879 Option to add suffix to incomplete files feature-request minor Core
#1896 Resolve Peer Hostnames feature-request minor Unknown 1.3.2
#1982 Filter non-paused torrents feature-request trivial Unknown other (please specify)
#2014 Add option to change data rate units from IEC to SI standard feature-request minor Unknown other (please specify)
#2025 renaming torrent via deluge console feature-request minor Console UI
#2041 remove empty folders due to content_filename move feature-request minor Core 1.3.3
#2063 Removing extra files feature-request minor Core other (please specify)
#2079 [Label] Filter by Seed Time plugin-request minor Unknown other (please specify)
#2139 Support Metalink plugin-request minor Core master
#2151 Extend option to copy torrent files to a folder feature-request minor Core 1.3.5
#2158 remove torrent and data based on seed time and ratio plugin-request minor Plugin 1.3.5
#2162 Name of "renamed torrent files" in the main UI feature-request minor GTK UI 1.3.5
#2172 Easier management of the bandwith for uploads feature-request minor Core 1.3.5
#2196 Streaming Playback Buffer Using Piece Deadlines feature-request minor Core master
#2198 one more option to move at ratio feature-request major Plugin other (please specify)
#2263 Feature Request: Show errors in UI feature-request minor Unknown 1.3.5
#2273 Icons & UI HiDPI - Font Blurry feature-request major GTK UI 1.3.5
#2304 [Feature-Request] Reconnect if connection fails feature-request major Unknown other (please specify)
#2313 the "Test Active Port" functionality doesn't honor listen_interface parameter bug minor Core master
(more results for this group on next page)
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.