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Results (40 - 42 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#211 Duplicate (windows) immediately closes upon openig andar anonymous

As soon as I click to run deluge, the file crashes. There are no warnings, and the icon briefly appears in the system tray.

#595 WontFix Window redraw messy when overlayed andar

Whenever I am using a window that has been opened in Deluge such as the Preferences window and when I move it around over the main Deluge window the redraw is pretty chunky.

Sort of gives me the impression that the program is clunky from a UI responsiveness point of view.

When you move around the window over a window that is not Deluge then this problem does not occur.

I came close to marking this as trivial but its sort of annoying. Perhaps it is the UI toolkit's fault?

I'm an absolute newbie at Python so probably can't figure it out.

#740 WorksForMe Window not redrawn after maximize from system tray markybob anonymous

The problem is that when deluge minimizes to the system tray and then the system tray icon is clicked (or right clicked and hit "Show Deluge" is clicked), the window comes up, but the contents are not redrawn. So, all I can see is the deluge title bar and then the content window is just white. I had this problem in windows XP, but thought it was an issue on my end since the computer was really old and probably was messed up. The issue is still there with the latest deluge running on a new computer with a brand new windows vista installed

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