Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2899 Duplicate Not able to choose language. Mokkun

For me, the program Chooses Systems language, And have no way in options of choosing English. Please fix the missing Language selection in options. The Norwegian translation is incoherently written and horribly poorly done, should not be the default on Norwegian Windows installs.

#2900 Fixed Error loading torrent: invalid bencoded value Bro

Loading some torrents gives the error "invalid bencoded value (data after valid prefix)" caused by upstream fix to (

The attached torrent will produce this error.

#2901 Fixed rtrim info hash on add tristen

hey guys, long time user, great fan of your client.

a small and mildly annoying issue: when copying an info hash (typically from a webpage) there is often an extra whitespace character at the end.

deluge rejects the add if there is any trailing whitespace, forcing the user to (again) click "add", then "info hash", then paste, then remove the whitespace, then press enter or click ok.

it would be great if you could rtrim the info hash.

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