Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#125 WorksForMe deluge fails to start after an update; deleting of "prefs.state" helps markybob dim.jakobi at

After an update to deluge the program suddenly failed to start after a reboot. As I deleted the "prefs.state" file in ~/.config (and restored some settings such as "network" etc. manually) everything works fine so far.

I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 32 bit. Before installing a new version I deleted the old version via synaptic. I hope this will help.

#126 WorksForMe Torrents become invisible markybob

Using the latest release,, torrents seem to disappear from the list after adding new ones.

The torrent stops seeding, and disappears from the list, but manually adding it again produces the "this torrent is already loaded, should I merge trackers?" dialog. All torrents are available as normal after closing and re-opening Deluge.

I have 32 torrents loaded, there doesn't seem to be a pattern to which torrent will disappear, and I'm not sure how to reproduce it.

#127 WorksForMe Max Upload Speed Not Enforced ( markybob cbsim

Max Upload Speed Not Enforced (

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