Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2064 Fixed Crushed window Calum toniboni88

in the torrent creation window, the pane that lists the files or folders, the default is crushed, as in the image attached.

If you widen the window you can see everything correctly. When the close and reopen again but always crushed.

I've Ubuntu Server 11.04, with Deluge 1.3.4 and libtorrent 0.15.9

#2068 Invalid Window crash when reorganize the table toniboni88

I've Deluge 1.3.4 with Ubuntu 11.04. When I try riorganize the table (speed, ratio, peers, filename, ecc) the Gtkui closes by itself. When I get back and try to rearrange the table is closed again.

#2073 Fixed Crash when creating torrent in Ubuntu Calum toniboni88

For specific folders, when I create the torrent remains firm on this screen, doing nothing. If I let go creates nothing, remaining always in the picture, until the lock manually.

I've Deluge 1.3.4, LibTorrent 1.5.9, Ubuntu Server 11.04 Updated

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