Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#1051 new bug

Installation of an incompatible plugin generates no error

Reported by: ianmartin Owned by: andar
Priority: minor Milestone: Future
Component: GTK UI Version:
Keywords: Cc:


When a plugin is installed from the preferences dialog it is copied to the users plugin directory. No attempt is made to check if it was a valid plugin and inform the user.

A plugin for the wrong python version just seems to fail to appear.

This is complicated by the fact that different python versions could be used for the client and the daemon.

Some user feedback of the failure would improve things

Change History (1)

comment:1 by andar, 15 years ago

Milestone: Future
Version: 1.1.9

Agreed. We should add some checks in to see if the plugin is compatible or not. We should also be including the required Deluge version in the plugin's metadata.

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