Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#1206 new feature-request

Add a session upload-only mode

Reported by: Joe Fission Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 2.x
Component: Core Version: develop
Keywords: Cc:,


In my situation, I was trying to set up the scheduler to basically turn off my downloads entirely and to just upload/seed only. For that, I set the download speed to "0" and the upload speed to "-1". However, upon doing so, downloads continued at full speed as if it were still set to "-1". When this didn't work within the scheduler plugin, I tried setting my global download speed in Deluge to "0" and the same result occurred... Deluge continued to download at full speed.

I realize forcing "0" to mean "stop" for any limit other than downloads would be unwanted (eg. allowing people to stop their uploads pretty much goes against the spirit of the bittorrent spec). Forcing a limit of "0" to mean "stop" for download speed only would allow the scheduler to be used to set periods of only uploading/seeding activity. At any rate, this may be useful to anyone trying to seed torrents or even to those trying to maintain their ratio with a private tracker.

Change History (13)

comment:1 by Joe Fission, 15 years ago


comment:2 by Damien Churchill, 15 years ago

Milestone: 1.4.0

There are plans to improve the scheduler, it is just finding the time to do so at the moment!

comment:3 by Joe Fission, 15 years ago

OK... just reiterating for clarification that this bug doesn't only exist in the scheduler. This also occurs when setting Deluge's global download speed to "0" as well.

While I am quite intrigued about any changes to the scheduler, to be quite frank, the scheduler would suit me fine as it is right now if Deluge recognized a "0" download speed to mean "stop downloading".

comment:4 by Damien Churchill, 15 years ago

Component: corelibtorrent

This is a libtorrent feature, not a Deluge issue.

comment:5 by arvid, 14 years ago

This isn't really a bug. To stop downloading, set the priorities to all files to 0. To stop uploading, enable upload_only mode

comment:6 by Calum, 14 years ago

Component: libtorrentcore
Type: bugfeature-request
Version: 1.2.2

comment:7 by Calum, 14 years ago

Priority: majorminor
Summary: Deluge assumes a "0" (zero) download speed means "unlimited" similar to setting it to "-1".Ability to stop downloading and upload only

comment:8 by Rune K. Svendsen, 14 years ago

Cc: added

comment:9 by Rune K. Svendsen, 14 years ago

So if someone were to add this "upload_only_mode" functionality to Deluge, would it be acceptable to enable this by specifying "0" as the download speed limit? Or would some other way of enabling torrents to only upload data be preferred?

As far as I can tell, specifying "0" as the download limit would be the cleanest way of enabling upload_only_mode. Can anyone think of why it shouldn't be enabled by specifying "0" as the download rate limit?

Ideally, this should work both globally and on torrents individually.

in reply to:  9 comment:10 by Strolls, 14 years ago

Cc: added

Replying to runeks:

So if someone were to add this "upload_only_mode" functionality to Deluge, would it be acceptable to enable this by specifying "0" as the download speed limit?

As far as I can tell, specifying "0" as the download limit would be the cleanest way of enabling upload_only_mode. Can anyone think of why it shouldn't be enabled by specifying "0" as the download rate limit?

I just found this bug because deluge has continued seeding dispite the fact that I thought I told the scheduler to stop at 9am this morning. Having -1 mean unlimited everywhere else, and having 0 also mean unlimited in only some text-entry boxes seems very unintuitive to me.

I assume damoxc says "this is a libtorrent feature, not a Deluge issue" because Deluge blindly passes the values in its text entry boxes onto libtorrent. Well, actually, it doesn't have to. Deluge can be more helpful and user friendly and intuitive and say "if x == -1 then do something completely different".

comment:11 by Calum, 14 years ago

Ticket #1108 deals with the 0 and -1 issue.

comment:12 by Calum, 10 years ago


comment:13 by Calum, 8 years ago

Milestone: 2.02.x
Summary: Ability to stop downloading and upload onlyAdd a session upload-only mode
Version: develop (git)

This is currently not possible on a session wide basis with libtorrent but I shall ask dev about it.

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