Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #2472, comment 4

07/04/2014 09:10:26 AM (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #2472, comment 4

    v1 v2  
    11This and the rate_limit_utp are changeable through the ltconfig plugin, but why not merge it? Why make your users add plugins to get options every other client has available by default? Why make it more complex to use. I know "most of Deluge's functionality is available in the form of plugins" is fairly true however by only adding these two options you would have a client that most basic users wouldn't have to do anything, no plugins would be necessary. And i understand not wanting to add things provided by other plugins(redundant) and not wanting to add option from ltconfig specifically but imo these two settings are just a basic part of a torrent client most people are used to seeing with a libtorrent based client and ltconfig should be used not for basic torrent setup but more advanced tweaking.
    3 Edit: Also i agree other than these two options i wouldnt add any more. And also i know you might think well are you not makeing it more complex by adding more preferences however imo by adding these you dont really make it more complex to use you are just providing options. Options that can be left as default.
     3Edit: Also i agree other than these two options i wouldnt add any more. And also i know you might think well are you not makeing it more complex by adding more preferences however imo by adding these you dont really make it more complex to use you are just providing options. Options that can be left as default. Not everyone wants to add plugins or is willing to compile for changes they want. Also part of the only reason why i use deluge honestly despite its lacking in updates and options like above is because of the client daemon style. And the fact that i was kinda hoping these where just not added because they were not options in libtorrent 1.3.6. Not that i would stop using it at this point, i think with the 2 performance patches i mentioned before that i added to my build recently plus these two the only thing standing in deluges way from being one of the best clients again is the createtorrent adding trackers bug.
     5*ends rant* *hopes it was a good compiling reason to be (re)considered*