Opened 8 years ago

#3047 new bug

False warning logging regarding geoip resolution

Reported by: barmalej2 Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Core Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: Cc:


Each time deluge daemon is starting, the following warning is logged:

[WARNING ] 09:45:33 preferencesmanager:528 GeoIP Unavailable

But I can see the peers with country flags resolved in deluge thin client. So, from my point of view this is incorrect logging. Some system info: Kernel armv5tel GNU/Linux, deluge-1.3.15_git_38d7b7c, libtorrent-1.1.2_git_9a63d46, geoipgeoip-1.6.11_git_aa989c4 with latest Geolite databases. Logging level for deluged is set to warning. Besides geoip, I have installed python-geoip (1.2) and python-geoip-geolite2 (2015.303). Still the same warning is logged. Of course it doesn't hurts and the fix of it might be trivial for deluge dev's, but I hope it can be done in easy way.

Best regards, b2

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