

21:57 Ticket #103 (Progress bar on main windows and the one in Torrent files plugin shows ...) updated by ShinjiLeery
I can confirm this too
21:57 Ticket #225 (Deluge downloads more files than i selected to) updated by shinjileery@gmai.com
I Have the same issue. For the moment i downgrade to 0.8.6 where …
20:41 Ticket #240 (Move torrent in web ui always shows initial directory) created by deluge-trac@rolf.leggewie.biz
Hi, I use the deluge nightlies. The web ui move function does not …
07:49 Ticket #239 (several blocklist problems) updated by andar
The Blocklist plugin isn't really supposed to work right now. I'll …


15:25 Ticket #239 (several blocklist problems) updated by danii
forgot to mention I'm using
15:23 blocklist-preferences.jpg attached to Ticket #239 by danii
15:22 Ticket #239 (several blocklist problems) created by danii
sometimes the plugin doesn't load all IP ranges or the an incorrect …
11:58 Ticket #238 (Unable to move torrents to different partitions) closed by danii
invalid: this is a known problem with libtorrent …
08:43 Ticket #217 (Additions to blocklist plugin) updated by anonymous
Version changed
08:43 Ticket #217 (Additions to blocklist plugin) updated by anonymous
Is this addition going to make it into Deluge? If it does, what version?
08:05 Ticket #238 (Unable to move torrents to different partitions) created by anonymous
Deluge does not support moving torrents to different partitions. This …
06:28 Changeset [8e1119]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Add missing files.
06:23 Changeset [b15608]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
libtorrent sync 2347
02:03 Changeset [817076]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
Fix uploaded_memory from reverting to state value when doing a forced …
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