

22:57 Ticket #2153 (Improper Torrent Loading (Duplication of Files)) created by eepman
As of 1.3.5 deluge makes a copy of every torrent in the state folder …
19:57 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by bc90141
Replying to Cas: > I'm afraid all those error are …
19:04 Ticket #2148 (Gtk2Reactor object has no attribute simulate) updated by andar
Hmm.. The latest version of Twisted still has this method in …
18:56 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by Calum
I'm afraid all those error are irrelevant to this issue. …
14:27 Changeset [d3f661]2.0.xdevelop by Asmageddon <Asmageddon@gmail.com>
Made status bars update correctly in Legacy
09:35 Ticket #2152 (use HTTP basic token if availlable) created by Mathieu Rochette
I have configured deluge to be served via apache over SSL and I …
09:27 Ticket #1275 (Allow users to have blank/no password) updated by Mathieu Rochette
Cc changed
02:02 Ticket #1127 (ALL torrents become paused with no error) updated by bc90141
Version changed
Lest people think I am only complaining, here is the terminal output …


17:41 Ticket #2151 (Extend option to copy torrent files to a folder) created by WillyWolly
I have a suggestion to make this checkbox work as follows (also …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.