

15:19 Ticket #3056 (creating daemon connection in deluge-gtk fails without feedback) updated by Karl Richter
deluge-web 2.0.0.dev7052+45e0d10+201706100031~ubuntu17.04.1 shows a …


15:05 Ticket #3056 (creating daemon connection in deluge-gtk fails without feedback) updated by Calum
Status, Owner, Version, Milestone changed
15:02 Ticket #3055 (not connecting to daemon) updated by Calum
Status, Owner, Version, Description, Milestone changed
10:13 Ticket #3056 (creating daemon connection in deluge-gtk fails without feedback) created by Karl Richter
After the connection to the daemon failed without feedback (probably …
05:05 Ticket #3055 (not connecting to daemon) created by renato
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.