Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (208 - 210 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3019 Duplicate unable to save proxy info Anunnaki40

it keeps getting deleted when i try to save except the top line. im using windows 7 64 bit.

#3017 Duplicate Error adding Host keschrich

I have a headless deluge server (1.3.14), and am trying to connect to it from my Ubuntu machine where I have Deluge 1.3.14 installed.

I enter all the details on the Add Host screen, and click add and get the following error: "Unterminated string starting at: line 8 column 7 (char 150)".

The Add Host window closes and I am back at the Connection Manager window. The host I just attempted to add shows up in the list with a red status icon. I cannot close the window using the Close button, but it closes if I hit the X. Once closed, I can return to the connection manager, and the status icon for the host turns green and I can connect to it.

Further complicating things, the host is not saved when I exit deluge- so the next time I run the deluge client I have to do the above again.'

#3015 Duplicate infinite ETA is less then smallest Karl Richter

but should be larger than the largest when sorting columns in the downloading view.

experienced with 2.0.0.dev7012+a727ee6+201703310132~ubuntu16.10.1 on Ubuntu 16.10

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