Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#226 closed bug (Duplicate)

Problem in download size estimation

Reported by: Owned by: markybob
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: 0.5.x Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Well I wouldnt call this excatly as a bug, but nor is it a feature or plugin request either. it is possible to choose individual file from a torrent and download it, but if I have 15GB torrent and I choose to download only one file say of 500MB out of it and my HDD has only 5GB, it says unable to download, not enough space. I think that needs to be corrected

Change History (2)

comment:1 by, 17 years ago

Until it's corrected, here's a workaround: whenever deluge complains about a lack of space, a "force recheck" of the torrent(s) will allow you to start/resume the download. I'm currently using version under ubuntu 8.04, and the trick is still working (but it can be a pain in the neck if you have a monocore processor and several large torrents to check...)

comment:2 by markybob, 17 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed
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