Opened 11 months ago

Last modified 9 months ago

#3625 new bug

Deluge-gtk crashes when selecting or moving folder

Reported by: Joachim Hillestad Owned by:
Priority: blocker Milestone: needs verified
Component: GTK UI Version: 2.1.0
Keywords: crash, folder-select, strace Cc:


Deluge-gtk alwaysh crashes when I click the drop-down list to select a different folder for a torrent, be it at the initial stage just after a torrent has been added, or after a torrent has completed.

Steps to reproduce (case 1, torrent already completed)

  1. Launch Deluge-GTK
  2. Right-click any torrent that's already completed, but in the wrong folder.
  3. Click "Move Download Folder" from the context menu.
  4. Click the drop-down icon to select a different folder.
  5. Crashes every time at this point.

Steps to reproduce (case 2, new torrent added)

  1. Find a torrent you want to add to Deluge
  2. Open up Deluge-GTK
  3. Browse your filesystem to select the new torrent.
  4. Go to the "Options"-tab to select a destination folder.
  5. Click the drop-down icon to select a different folder.
  6. Crashes every time at this point.

This behaviour is blocking me from using Deluge-GTK.

Deluge-gtk version: 2.1.1[[BR]]
Deluge server version: 2.1.1[[BR]]
OS: Arch 6.7.1-zen1-1-zen[[BR]]
DE: KDE Plasma - (X11 or Wayland does not matter in this case)

I did a strace capture (case 1), that file ended up being 32Mb. Manage to compress it to 544Kb, as a tarball with Ark.

Attachments (1)

deluge-gtk_strace-awk.tar.gz (151.7 KB ) - added by Joachim Hillestad 11 months ago.
strace with duplicate lines removed.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by Joachim Hillestad, 11 months ago

strace with duplicate lines removed.

comment:1 by Joachim Hillestad, 11 months ago

I noticed a repeating pattern in my console while running strace, so I removed duplicate lines with

awk '!seen[$0]++' deluge-gtk_strace.txt > deluge-gtk_strace-awk.txt

I hope that is still useful.

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