Custom Query (1381 matches)


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Results (626 - 650 of 1381)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#3250 Errors in console-UI. bug minor 2.0.0 Console UI
#2034 Add systemd .service file feature-request minor 2.0.2 Packaging
#3073 Add launchd to osx packaging bug trivial 2.0.2 Packaging
#3257 'module' object has no attribute 'SimpleNamespace' with Python 2.7 bug minor 2.0.2 Core
#3219 Crash setting peers tabs tooltip bug minor 2.0.3 GTK UI
#3260 web ui reverse proxy crash bug minor 2.0.3 Web UI
#3261 web ui 'idna' codec failed bug minor 2.0.3 Web UI
#3262 WebUI cannot change password bug minor 2.0.3 Web UI
#3264 Error starting Extractor plugin bug minor 2.0.3 Plugin
#3265 Errors with GTK on Wayland bug minor 2.0.3 Unknown
#3266 GTK Peers tabs errors bug minor 2.0.3 Unknown
#3082 Use translated strings from 1.X in 2.X bug minor 2.0.4 Translations
#3267 GTK Notification plugin error bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3272 'Open Download Folder' feature doesn't work in 2.0.3 Calum bug minor 2.0.4 GTK UI
#3278 argparserbase: exception when creating the pid file bug major 2.0.4 Core
#3279 Peer client UnicodeDecodeError bug minor 2.0.4 Core
#3280 Label plugin unable to reopen label options bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3281 Translation strings mismatch Calum bug minor 2.0.4 GTK UI
#3282 Does not work with pillow-simd bug minor 2.0.4 Packaging
#3295 autoadd don't apply labels to magnet files bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3298 importing state of torrents from older deluge to newer deluge fails bug critical 2.0.4 Core
#3303 Notification-plugin mailing-bug. bug minor 2.0.4 Plugin
#3309 TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str' bug blocker 2.0.4 GTK UI
#3310 "Session status key not valid" log spam bug major 2.0.4 Plugin
#3316 Down Speed and Uploaded indicated wrong bug minor 2.0.4 Unknown
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