

18:09 Ticket #1396 ("Open" and "Open Folder" context menu items cause 100% CPU usage) closed by andar
wontfix: This is a pygtk bug, upgrading Deluge will not fix it.
17:50 Changeset [1c15df]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Merge branch 'master' of deluge-torrent.org:deluge
15:55 Снимок.png attached to Ticket #1463 by shnurapet
15:55 Ticket #1463 (Can't limit speeds) created by shnurapet
The limits seem to be ignored. For example, I set the upload limit to …
13:17 Ticket #1396 ("Open" and "Open Folder" context menu items cause 100% CPU usage) updated by mspacek
I'm now running from git master. Problem remains the same.
13:05 Ticket #1389 ("setup.py install" puts icons and .desktop file into wrong place under ...) updated by mspacek
Cc changed
13:04 Ticket #1389 ("setup.py install" puts icons and .desktop file into wrong place under ...) updated by mspacek
I've noticed this as well. I just tried building from master today …
00:03 Ticket #1355 (changing states in webUI is slow) closed by Damien Churchill
00:03 Changeset [f28248]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix bug #1355
00:02 Changeset [82fbbad] by Damien Churchill <damoxc@gmail.com>
fix bug #1355


05:42 Changeset [078ed6]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Fixed "PluginEnabledEvent" and "PluginDisabledEvent" the argument …
05:14 Ticket #1461 (Can't exit) closed by John Garland
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #1247. Upgrading to 1.3.1 will fix the issue.
05:11 Changeset [67ea05]2.0.xdevelopextjs4-port by Pedro Algarvio <ufs@ufsoft.org>
Implemented passing a copy of an event instead of it's arguments to …
04:43 Ticket #1462 (Strange artifacts in main window) created by shnurapet
The main window draws certain controls in a strange manner. …
04:33 Ticket #1461 (Can't exit) created by shnurapet
The program stops responding upon exit when ran in classic mode with …
03:45 Ticket #1460 (Batch add torrents) created by dudumomo
It would be nice to be able to add several torrents on the Web-UI …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.