Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (101 - 125 of 324)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Status: new (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3023 Deluge Multi-Localuser bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#2501 Deluge opens on the wrong screen in a multiscreen setup under OSX. bug minor GTK UI 1.3.6
#3486 deluge seems to crash on exit bug major Unknown 2.0.3
#2376 Deluge still announces to trackers even when torrent is paused. bug major Core other (please specify)
#3311 Deluge stops with proxy set bug major Unknown 1.3.15
#2972 deluge-web and deluge-gtk refuse to connect to a daemon which has autoadd_enable set to true bug minor Web UI 2.1.0
#3547 deluge-web error related to GeoIP bug minor Unknown 2.1.0
#3481 deluge-web's password field has broken-looking focus outline, in Firefox, due to UA-string-sniffing bug minor Web UI 1.3.15
#3568 Deluge - Why so slow? bug minor Unknown 1.3.15
#3585 Deluge Won't Start in Docker bug major Unknown 2.0.5
#3131 desktop window is not visible bug major Console UI other (please specify)
#2986 detect already downloaded feature-request minor Core 1.3.10
#3165 "Device or resource busy" on Linux kernel newer than 4.9.0-3 bug critical Core 1.3.15
#3558 Dialogs usability feature-request major GTK UI 2.0.5
#3224 Disable Hash Check at Startup bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3341 Display ETA during checking operation feature-request minor Unknown 2.0.0
#3555 distinguish between last download and last upload time feature-request minor Core 2.0.5
#3114 DNS resolution doesn't use the correct network interface bug minor libtorrent 1.3.13
#2975 Don't open connections to web seeds when not downloading bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#2835 Downloading Target With Same Name Corrupts Target bug minor Core 1.3.12
#3400 encoding problem bug minor libtorrent 1.3.15
#3087 enforce HTTPS for feature-request minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3495 enhanced ability for exchaning data with other applications, especially in bulk feature-request minor Unknown 2.0.0
#3338 Erorr while adding many torrents bug minor Web UI 2.0.3
#3286 Error setting some config values from console ('str' object has no attribute 'decode') bug minor Unknown 2.0.3
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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